We’ve got answers.

  • Why should I use Backer?

    Backer is the easiest way to save for college with help from family and friends. We'll help you invest your savings with a tax-free 529 Savings Plan, which is like a retirement account for your child's education. It's a government-sponsored account and is the smartest way to avoid future student debt.

    With Backer, it's simple to involve family and friends in the process. These “backers” can quickly and easily contribute to your child's education fund and stay involved as your child gets closer to college. Our most active customers save 4x more by building a team of backers for their kids.

  • How does Backer help me save more for college?

    Studies have shown that simply having a college fund can dramatically improve educational outcomes. Backer amplifies this effect by having your family and friends chip in, and then investing all of the savings tax-free. We've also noticed parents on our platform contribute more  themselves when they have a team of friends and relatives along for the ride. Just like it's helpful to have a gym buddy or study buddy, having a team of backers for your kids is super motivating and helps you make much faster progress toward your savings goals.

  • Who can join the fund as a backer?

    Anyone you invite by sharing your unique fund link can join the fund as a backer and contribute gifts. We see lots of grandparents, uncles/aunts, and even family friends or the child's mentors at school and through other activities.

  • What is Backer like for the backers I invite?

    With limited access to your child's fund page, backers can see that they're part of a team, but you choose how much of the fund's activity you want to be visible. We send reminders to your backers around the holidays and when your kid's birthday is coming up. We make it easy to link a bank account via online banking, or they can use a credit or debit card or digital wallet like Apple Pay or, Google Pay – so gifting is a breeze.

  • How much does it cost?

    We’ve got a plan for every family — with simple, transparent pricing, no matter how much you save. Check out all the details about monthly Backer membership on our pricing page.

  • Why should I use a 529 plan to save?

    A 529 plan is a government-sponsored program to help families build their savings early so they can more easily afford future education-related expenses (e.g., K-12 tuition, college, vocational and trade schooling, apprenticeship programs). It allows your money to grow tax-free and be withdrawn tax-free as long as it's used for educational expenses. It's like a retirement account, but for education, and has been around for over 25 years. Check out our 529 guide to learn more.

  • How do you safeguard my personal information?

    We use the strongest available browser encryption, secure servers monitored 24/7/365, and cutting-edge identity verification services to safeguard your personal information. We also have clear privacy procedures in place to govern our own use of your information. To learn more, please see our Privacy Notice.

  • Who are the people behind Backer?

    We're a diverse team with decades of experience in financial services and the tech industry. Learn more about our story here  and our team here.

  • What if I decide Backer is not for me?

    We'll be sad to lose you, but you'll be able to keep the 529 plan we helped you open or we'll help you roll it over to another provider. If you leave Backer, you will lose the ability to access and manage your 529 plan via our website and mobile apps, as well as the fund page where your backers can help you save, your Backer contribution history, and all of our other features. We'll welcome any feedback you have for how we can improve and will always welcome you back if you change your mind.

eyeVisit our Help Center for more FAQs
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Cover your kid’s college costs by investing together tax-free. Cover your kid’s college costs by investing together tax-free

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© Backer 2025
Backer is the tradename of Principly, Inc., an SEC-registered investment adviser. Our internet-based investment advisory services are designed to assist clients in saving for education and are not intended to provide comprehensive tax advice or financial planning. Our services are available to U.S. residents only. Read more
© Backer 2025